Specialized Application Software

Audio Editing Software
An audio editing software is a computer application that enables one to edit sounds or manipulate a digital audio. The functions of an audio editing software include cut, copy, paste, delete and so forth. Besides that, it also contains effects like amplify, echo, reverb that enables an audio to be editted to a user's preference. Examples of audio editing softwares include Audacity and WavePad.

Bitmap Image
Bitmap is one of the types of file formats for images stored in a computerized form. It carries the extension .BMP. A computer display screen is made up of rows and columns of tiny blocks known as pixels. In a bitmap image, each pixel has at least one bit to indicate whether the pixel should reflect the background color, the foreground color, or some other color. Since bitmaps store so much information in the highest resolutions, a bitmap image becomes blocky and blurred if it is enlarged. If reduced, it becomes unclear.

Desktop Publishing Program
Desktop publishing program is a tool for designers and non-designers to create visual communications for professional or desktop printing as well as for online or on-screen electronic publishing. Desktop publishers focus on layout and page design. Designers usually use this program to create flyers, newsletters and so forth. Example of desktop publishing programs include QuarkXPress and Microsoft Publisher.

HTML editors
A HTML editor is an authoring software program that is used to create content for web sites. HTML software is easy to use since it has a feature that is known as WYSIWYG which simply means, "What You See Is What You Get." It enables one to build a page without interacting directly with a HTML code. An example of HTML editors includes Adobe Dreamweaver.

Image editors
Image editors are softwares that are designed specifically to capture, create, edit and manipulate images. They can be digital images, traditional analogue images or illustrations. Image editors include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and so on.

A multimedia is simply multiple forms of media integrated together. Media can be text, graphics, audio, animation or video. Practically any type of information we receive can be categorized as multimedia. For instance, in a website, multimedia is present when there is a page which contains a combination of text and images.

Vector Image
A vector image is an image composed of points, lines, curves using geometrical primitives. These objects are created by connecting lines and curves. As they can be defined by mathematical equations, they can be easily resized and manipulated. Vector images still remain as clear when they are blown up, unlike bitmap images.

Basic Application Software

Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Graphical User Interface, also known as GUI is a computer program or a human-computer interface that enables one to communicate with computer using windows, icons and menus which can be navigated by a mouse. A window is a rectangular part of the monitor screen that can display its contents. Each window can display a different applications or files that have been opened or created with a single application. An icon is a symbol in a GUI that represents a program, file, directory or device. Commands are issued in a GUI using a mouse to move the pointer to select a certain program or file.

Word Processor
A word processor is an application which provides a user with the tools to write, edit and format text which is then sent to the printer. A word processor generally refers to a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) system where the formatting takes place while you enter your text. No further processing is needed before sending it to the printer to be printed out. Examples of word processors are Microsoft Word and WordPerfect.

A spreadsheet is a grid that enables one to organize data into columns and rows. Spreadsheets make information easier to be displayed and formulas can be inserted to work with the data. Icons like auto sum is one which has a formula to sum up numbers that are given. An example of a spreadsheet is Mircosoft Excel.

Database Management System (DBMS)
A database management system (DBMS), sometimes only called database manager, is a program which lets one or more computer users create and access data in a database. The DBMS manages user requests so that users and other programs are free from having to understand where the data is physically located on storage media and in a multi-user system. DBMS ensures that the data continues to be accessible and is constantly organized.

Utility Suites
A utility suite contains many utility softwares which is a kind of software that analyzes, configures, optimizes and maintains the computer. Most utility suites contain utilities like disk storage, disk defragmenters, disk checkers and so forth. A disk storage stores data, disk defragmenters reorganize non-contiguous files into contiguous files and optimize their placement on the hard drive to increase reliability and performance, whereas disk checkers scan and checks a hard drive for errors.

The Internet, The Web and Electronic Commerce

Javascript is the most popular scripting language on the Internet. It also works in many major browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Javascript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages and is usually embedded directly into them. As mentioned, Javascript is a scripting language and it can be used without purchasing a license. Javascript mainly gives HTML designers a programming tool. Since Javascript is a scripting language with very simply "syntax", everyone is able to use it to add snippets of codes into their HTML pages.  A JavaScript can also read and alter the content of an HTML element and can be used to validate form data before submitting it to a server. This in turn saves the server from extra processing.

An applet is a little application. It is an application program that uses the client's web browser to provide a user interface. An applet is basically a program that is written in the Java programming language and can also be included in a HTML page. When a browser which contains Java technology is used to view a page that contains an applet, the applet's code is transferred to the system and is then executed by the browser's Java Virtual Machine, also known as JVM.

A filter is a program designed to screen or scan a certain Web page to determine if all or some of the things contained are allowed to be displayed. The origins of the contents of a certain Web page is checked against a set of rules provided by the company or the installer of the Web filter. A filter also enables a user to block out certain pages from Web sites that may interfere or contain objectionable advertising, content or pornographic images.

Plug-ins are applications that are downloaded as part of the Web browsers. Plug-ins are required to carry out a transaction via a Web browser. Hence, if a user is running a Web page that is designed to run something that is not standard to a browser, a plug-in is required. The most common plug-ins downloaded by many users include Adobe's Acrobat and Flash.

Internet Security Suite
Internet security suites provide a wide range of tools to counter every security threat that comes along the way. Internet security suites have different programs like antivirus, antispyware and firewall included. Hence, instead of buying separate programs, Internet security suites are much better as they many tools. An Internet security suite is basically used to protect one's computer from being invaded by viruses, spywares and other bugs that may cause corruption or loss of important files.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
FTP is an Internet protocol that enables to send and receive files from another computer. Just like many Internet resources, FTP works by client-server architecture, where the user runs client software to connect to the server on the Internet. It also uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols. Before the World Wide Web was created, FTP was one of the most common methods used to exchange information over the Internet. FTP is a very simple way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.

A wiki is a website where users are able to change, add or remove contents that are on a certain Web page using a Web browser. In other words, wiki is a database that enables visitors to edit it's contents live. The building blocks of wikis are mainly the "comments" from other visitors of the site. In a "moderated wiki", wiki owners would review the comments before making an addition to the main body of the topic.

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator which is the address of a certain Web page in the World Wide Web. In other words, it is also known as the Internet address or the WWW address. It is a uniform way to locate a specific resource, be it a file or document on the Internet. Since every file on the Internet has a unique address, the URL specifies the address of a file. A Web software like a browser then uses the URL to retrieve the file from the computer on which it resides. The actual URL is a set of four numbers separated by periods. However, it is hard for us to use, hence addresses are represented in a more descriptive way in order to remember better. Thus, a URL can also be written as http://www.nationalgeographic.com/, say for example. A URL consists of a protocol (http), a host computer name (www), domain name (nationalgeographic) and a domain type (com).

Careers in IT

       The increasing modernization in the world today clearly shows us that Information Technology (IT) is a field which plays an important role. IT promotes and offers a vast option of job opportunities as it is a field vital in today's society.

A webmaster basically holds responsibility in handling and maintaining websites, be it from the companies or individuals. Webmasters require a fair amount of skills as they not only write computer codes, but also make sure that the websites are created and are catered to the all clients' or customers' needs.

Computer Support Specialist
A computer support specialist is more commonly known as someone who solves problems pertaining to computers. A computer support specialist is involved in repairing minor problems in hardwares, softwares, peripheral equipment and so forth. Those who hold this job also help set up or install computer systems that are then delivered to customers. Other descriptions of this job includes answering inquiries about softwares and hardwares to resolve problems, preparing evaluations of softwares and hardwares for further improvements and so forth. 

Technical Writer
A technical writer is one who is involved in writing and editing many documentations for an organization's products. One must be equipped with excellent research and organization skills as they are required to classify their ideas accordingly. Moreover, he or she must also be able to translate technical terms into layman terms to be understood by others who are less technology-savvy. A technical writer is also required to write instruction manuals and one may also be employed to write policies and procedures for operations like banking and shipping.

Software Engineer
Software engineers are people who develop, create and modify a computer application software or specialized utility programs. They are also responsible for designing and customizing softwares for clients in such a way that it optimizes the efficiency of an operation. Plus, software engineers are also to consult with customers about software system design and maintenance, determine the performance and standards of the system and so on.

Network Administrator
A network administrator is responsible for making sure that computer networks function smoothly. They are also required to oversee the company's internal works, servers, email and network security systems, making sure that all of them are running and functioning as they should. Besides that, one who holds this job needs to forecast any needed improvements, budgeting and implementing any changes required. One may also be required to maintain or manage an existing network.

System Analyst
A system analyst is generally needed to define, develop, configure and support computer applications. One is also required to develop and prepare solutions pertaining to computers, followed by implementing the most cost-effective way of solving those problems. In addition, system specifications are also evaluated for business requirements.

A computer programmer is one who designs, writes and tests computer softwares. They are mostly involved in developing new applications from the start until the end, maintain existing applications and create codes that meet software system requirements. A programmer should be able to apply technical standards, principles and theories. He or she should also have experience in programming languages (eg, Java, Python) and database systems with SQL Server and Oracle.